The Perfect Hard Boiled Egg

Hard Boiled Eggs 1
Hard Boiled Eggs 1

More often than not, simplicity is best :-)

A single egg literally has enough nutrients to be an entire meal, and hard boiling them is a great way to take them with you to enjoy on the run! We boil them in bulk so we always have a little stock in the fridge, and love them with a little paprika sprinkle :-)

The Perfect Hard Boiled Egg

Step 1: Place room-temperature eggs in a saucepan and fill with cold water until the eggs are fully submerged.

Step 2: Add 1 tsp of baking soda (bicarbonate of soda). This will help make the eggs easier to peel.

Step 3: Turn the heat to high, and place the lid on.

Step 4: As soon as the water reaches a rolling boil - start your timer, remove the lid and turn the heat down a little if there's a risk of boiling over (the baking soda is likely to increase this risk).

Step 5: Allow to boil for 8 minutes (see below for adjusting the timing for desired egg consistency). During this time, prepare an ice bath for your eggs - fill a bowl with cold water and add a handful of ice.

Step 6: Once time has been reached, immediately transfer the eggs to the ice bath using a slotted spoon. Allow to cool completely before removing.

Hard Boiled Eggs

I love a boiled egg that doesn't have a completely hard centre - just the smidge of softness - but you can adjust this to make the centre rock hard or a little softer if you wish - I know many out there like a bit of a run in there! Here's an infographic to help you decide on your ideal boiling time:

Source: BBC Food

Hot tip: if you love poached eggs but are terrible at making them (as so many of us are, myself included!), the result after 5 minutes of boiling will produce the same effect!

Eggcelent! :-D x